This is a true story about our life journey that has an important message about the most aggressive, deadliest form of Her2 metastatic breast cancer with a death sentence of 2 years from diagnosis and how the all American Soap Box Derby played a big role in our life changing events. My name is David Tilley I’m the Author and Judy is my wife. After I retired as a Steamfitter Welder in the year 2020 I experienced having an open heart surgery getting five bypasses with a heart valve repair getting a second chance of life. All 5 of my arteries were blocked between 97 and 99 percent. I felt great and always passed the treadmill stress test with good EKG test results and I was walking 5 to 7 miles a day. One day a nurse heard a strange noise in my heart so they admitted me and found the blockage’s, it was a heart valve making the fluttering sound and had nothing to do with the blocked arteries and the little fluttering sound saved my life from the silent killer. The surgeon and nurses told me that it was a miracle that I didn’t have a massive heart attack with all my arteries blocked but it was evident that God has more work for me to do. I only had a 50 percent chance of getting my heart valve repaired but the surgery was successful and now I have a heart good as new. (This is Miracle number 1). This is the reason I decided to write about all the miracles my family has experienced and how we found the cure. Miracles are more common than you think; you may have experienced one yourself and tell your story before it’s too late. I started looking back at my family’s true life journey starting around year 2000 and now telling my story. My son-in-law who married Brooke, our oldest daughter, was the sports director for the University of Tennessee and was the journalist who wrote the article about my family’s journey of life-changing events. You will see at the end of this book that this is an important part of making this true story possible and he had been diagnosed with a liver disease with no possible cure.
Her surgery was going to be extremely complicated and they couldn’t find a surgeon that was capable in the Atlanta area so they called around the country until they found a young student located in California originally from Mississippi and was coming to Atlanta to perform this complicated surgery and just one mistake would leave her paralyzed for life. The surgeon would have to cut her from ear to ear and split her skull open in half in order to remove the tumor that was located behind her eyes and then take part of skull pieces to rebuild the area back where brain fluid was leaking and all performed looking thru a microscope for 10 hours of intense concentration. The benign tumor was successfully removed but they had to remove a small portion of her brain with the tumor giving her a 20% chance of a full recovery with a slow process of learning how to walk and talk all over again. We were getting low on cash so I eventually went back home to Watts Bar Nuclear Plant as a Steamfitter welder. As time went by with hard work in the rehabilitation process from my daughter’s brain surgery we could see a 50 percent chance of a full recovery in the future and this was truly a blessing!
We transported our stock car to the race city of Athens Tennessee and we passed the inspection by the strict derby rules including weighing the car and driver. Race day finally arrived and Katy our youngest daughter smoked her opponents and took the first place stock division championship trophy home and was headed to Akron Ohio at the world championships for the first time. Katy our free bird was disappointed that her grandfather, my father, couldn’t see her win the local race because he was battling colon cancer in hospice care. My wife and father took chemotherapy together at the same Doctors office and we knew he didn’t have much time left and we started to cancel the trip to Akron Ohio but he insisted we go so Katy could race. Its finally race day in Akron with over 300 race cars from all over the world for this exciting week long event. Katy did run a good race that day but she lost by a fraction of one second and leaves empty handed, no trophy at the world championships.
My wife is now taking the chemo drug Herceptin on a regular basis without getting very sick like she was on the Red Devil. We started building the new super stock car kit in our garage where we built the stock racer. Everything is looking great, the new super stock car kit is coming together very well. Katy’s other grandfather, Judy’s father got very sick during this time and was diagnosed having Pancreatic cancer without a possible cure. It’s getting close to race time so we took the car to the well known race city of Athens Tennessee and passed the super stock car strict inspection to make us officially legal to race. Race day finally arrived and Katy smoked her opponents again and took the first place super stock champion trophy home and was headed to Akron Ohio at the world championships for the second time. Katy was disappointed that her grandfather, my wife Judy’s father, couldn’t see her win the local race because he was in hospice care battling pancreatic cancer and we started to cancel the trip to Akron Ohio but he insisted we go so Katy could race just as my father told her when he was very sick. It’s finally race day in Akron with over 300 race cars from all over the world for this exciting week long event. Katy run a great race that day but lost by a split second and leaves empty handed, no trophy at the world championships for the second time.
After we returned home from from Akron Ohio we realized that the local race city just had 2 divisions to race and we have won both of them and the rule is if you win a division title you cannot compete in that division again per derby rules. The only choice we had is to race rally which means we would have to travel like NASCAR so we could earn points and hopefully make it to Akron the 3rd time. We ordered a new super stock car to race rally. While waiting for the race car Katy’s grandfather, my wife’s father lost the battle of pancreatic cancer and passed away. My wife is finishing up on her chemo treatments but has several more radiation treatments to complete. Our son in law with the liver disease is starting to have more symptoms getting more bone fractures and getting Jaundice.
My wife finally completed her 2 year long chemo treatments and she completed her radiation treatments. It’s time to start her reconstruction surgeries in the near future. We are finally ready to make the trip to Akron Ohio to compete in the world championships for the 3rd time. Its finally race day in Akron with over 300 race cars from all over the world for this exciting week long event. Katy raced an incredible race but lost almost to close to call and leaves empty handed, no trophy at the world championships for the 3rd time. We realized that this was most likely the last trip to Akron since Katy won all three divisions that we could race in unless our city starts racing the masters division. They have never raced the masters division in our city for several reasons, the cars cost more, they are more difficult to build and race, and it would take longer to finish all the races in one day. We returned home from Akron Ohio thinking about how we went undefeated in all the local city and Rally races with 7 first place trophies and managed making it to 3 world championships in such a short amount of time in our racing career. Even though my wife has completed her chemo and radiation treatments she was dreading the painful breast reconstruction procedure that was ahead of her after we returned home from the world championships.
This year feels like something is missing since we are not racing in the All American Soap Box Derby local city race so I decided to work all the overtime that was available so I could pay off the medical bills that had been accumulating over the last several years. My wife finished the painful breast cancer reconstruction surgery and then shortly after that she was in need of a hysterectomy most likely because of side effects from the extended chemo and radiation treatments, we already knew that she had some nerve and artery damage from it all. She will always have the port in her chest to have access for the nurses to collect blood test or giving her any needed medication. My son in law that has the liver disease is getting worse this year. The liver transplant is the hardest transplant to get and so many patients die while waiting for a liver. You have to be near death to move up the list and then you have to find a perfect match when someone dies. This is why I think everyone with a valid drivers license should be considered a donor automatically and then you change it not to be a donor if you choose to.
We got some great news on this day from our race city in Athens Tn. They are going to race the All American Soap Derby masters division for the first time ever. We signed up for the Masters division race for next year and ordered a new Masters All American race car kit. This has been a fast year and my wife is still in remission completing all of her treatments and surgeries. Our daughter that had the brain tumor was talking and walking normal and doing well in school, they discovered that most likely a portion of the human brain that we do not use took the place of the portion of brain she lost, what a blessing with an answered prayer, (This is Miracle number 2). We are still worried about my son in law because he is experiencing more bone fractures and many more side effects from the disease. Sometimes we worry that his organs will start shutting down and he want live long enough to get a new liver.
Created and Powered by David Tilley
Toby Skilled Trades Consulting LLC.